| 1. | Any sound investment in technology requires a business justification 技术上任何合理的投资都需要有商业理由。 |
| 2. | Mr . lau also has substantial experience and knowledge of the internet industry and of investment in technology companies in the prc 刘先生在中国互联网业及科技公司投资方面有着丰富的经验和知识。 |
| 3. | The centennial challenges program at nasa provides incentives for private investment in technologies that advance the readiness of missions of interest to the government Nasa的“百年挑战”计划鼓励私人对技术领域的投资,提高参与政府项目的愿望。 |
| 4. | Our corporation provides investment in technology , compounding formula , seed - bacteria , designing factory building , remolding old workshops , making equipment , installing and the training of technical staff 我方投资技术、配方、菌种、建厂或旧厂改造的设计、设备制造、安装、技术人员培训。 |
| 5. | Some of the most successful films of recent times have relied greatly on computer graphics , and our overall investment in technology will also greatly enhance our capabilities in this area 近期一些水准高而又卖座的电影,都运用了大量电脑特技。我们对科技的整体投资,将大大提升电影业在这方面的应用能力。 |
| 6. | Economy of zhejiang province gained a fast speed in recent years , but this province had a low level of investment in technology , why ? we think it is necessary to discuss this phenomena 我们觉得有必要对这一现象进行研究,作为浙江省自然科学基金项目的一部分,本论文讨论了与浙江民营企业技术来源相关的问题。 |
| 7. | By continual investments in technologies and process improvements , west4u . com has established a position of manufacturing leadership in asia , enabling the facility to meet customers ' needs for high quality products and service 以不断在技术和操作上提高,威氏已建立起在亚洲制造业的领导地位,使其设施符合客户高质量产品和服务的需要。 |
| 8. | Due in large part to markedly increased federal , state , local and private investment in technology for education , the nation has made tremendous progress toward achieving the 1996 national educational technology goals 很大程度上由于美国联邦、各州及地方政府和私人对技术教育投资的显著增长,美国在达到1996年的技术教育目标方面已取得巨大进步。 |
| 9. | A superior distribution channel and a logistic network with heavy investment in technology are their characteristics . in order to effectively implement supply chain management strategy , firstly retail chains should position themselves according to their unique competitive advantages 为了实现有效的供应链管理,零售连锁企业必须根据自身独特优势进行定位,在企业竞争战略的指导下制定出相应的供应链管理战略。 |
| 10. | However , starting any new e - commerce business will require substantial investment in technology , people , sales , marketing , advertising , operations , equipment , software development , etc . there are going to be quite a few more losers than winners 然而,电子商务的起步需要在技术,人员,销售推广,服务和信息方面,产品生产,设备更新以及软件开发等许多方面作大量的投资,发展的趋势一定是成功者稀,失败者众。 |